
Content specific for Collection Web Site.

GET Collections/{listName}/{id}

Get all the Resource based by list name and guid.

GET Collections/{listName}/{id}/download/{fileName}

Download file from collection sets and collections.

GET Collections/{listName}/{id}/download?fileName={fileName}

Download file from collection sets and collections.

GET Collections/{listName}/{id}/open/{fileName}

Open file inline in browser from collection sets, collections.

GET Collections/{listName}/{id}/open?fileName={fileName}

Open file inline in browser from collection sets, collections.

GET Collections/Filters

Get all avaliable Filters .

GET Collections/Filters/Affinity

Get Affinity filters.

GET Collections/Filters/Audience

Get Affinity filters.

GET Collections/Filters/Country

Get Affinity filters.

GET Collections/Filters/Language

Get Affinity filters.

GET Collections/Filters/MissionaryTasks

Get Affinity filters.

GET Collections/Filters/PeopleGroup

Get People Group filters.

GET Collections/Filters/Religion

Get Religion filters.

GET Collections/Search?searchText={searchText}&topic={topic}&audience={audience}&affinity={affinity}&fileType={fileType}&lastModified={lastModified}&language={language}&country={country}&religion={religion}&peopleGroup={peopleGroup}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}

Get the list of collection Resource.


Specific entities used by IMB data schemas

GET Core/Categories

The master list of Categories of the corporate taxonomy

GET Core/Filters

The master list of filters of the corporate taxonomy

GET Core/Regions

Regions are used to generalize people groups of similar geographic, language and cultural association

GET Core/Scripture

Daily updated highlighed Scripture passage

GET Core/Taxonomy

The full list of filters and keywords of the corporate taxonomy


Public content for SBC Church data

GET Crm/Churches

OData-enabled queryable collection of all SBC churches.


Provides information about US employment opportunities, student volunteer trips, etc.

GET Opportunities/Master/AffinityGroups

Distinct list of affinity groups for all opportunities

GET Opportunities/OData/Requests

OData-enabled queryable collection of all opportunities from Focus Missions.

GET Opportunities/OData/Requests/STMO

OData-enabled queryable collection of Short Term Mission Trip Opportunities from SharePoint online.

GET Opportunities/OData/Requests/Student

OData-enabled queryable collection of student opportunities from Focus Missions.

GET Opportunities/Student/AffinityGroups

Distinct list of affinity groups for student opportunities

GET Opportunities/Student/Locations

Distinct list of locations for student opportunities

GET Opportunities/Student/MinimumEducation

Distinct list of minimum education requirement filters for student opportunities

GET Opportunities/Student/Programs

Distinct list of Programs for student opportunities


Provides content related to the organization, classification and identification of people groups

GET PeopleGroups/AffinityBlocDetail?id={id}

Affinity Blocs are the standard used to generalize clusters and people groups of similar geographic, language and cultural association

GET PeopleGroups/AffinityBlocs

Affinity Blocs are the standard used to generalize clusters and people groups of similar geographic, language and cultural association

GET PeopleGroups/AffinityGroupDetail?id={id}

Affinity Groups are used by IMB to generalize clusters and people groups of similar geographic, language and cultural association

GET PeopleGroups/AffinityGroups

Affinity Groups are used by IMB to generalize clusters and people groups of similar geographic, language and cultural association

GET PeopleGroups/AffinityGroupStats

Total Population counts of Unreached People Groups (UPG) and Unreached and Unengaged People Groups (UUPG) per Affinity, plus global total.

GET PeopleGroups/ClusterDetail?id={id}

Clusters are used to generalize people groups of similar geographic, language and cultural association within an Affinity Bloc/Group

GET PeopleGroups/Clusters

Clusters are used to generalize people groups of similar geographic, language and cultural association within an Affinity Bloc/Group

GET PeopleGroups/Countries

Countries are internationally recognized polictical boundaries

GET PeopleGroups/CountryDetail?id={id}

Countries are internationally recognized polictical boundaries

GET PeopleGroups/Cultures

Cultures are used to associate peoples of similiar customs and dialects

GET PeopleGroups/Detail/Full?id={id}

Gets people group detail by array of PEIDs

GET PeopleGroups/Detail/Minimal/ByAffinityGroup?id={id}

Gets minimal people group details by selected Affinity Group

GET PeopleGroups/Detail/Minimal/ByCountry?id={id}

Gets minimal people group details by selected Country Code

GET PeopleGroups/Detail/Minimal?id={id}

Gets minimal people group details

GET PeopleGroups/GSEC

Gets GSEC (Global Status of Evangelical Christianity) details used to identify the progress of the gospel among people groups

GET PeopleGroups/LanguageDetail?id={id}

Language are used to associate peoples of similiar customs and dialects. Note, this is a very large list

GET PeopleGroups/Languages

Language are used to associate peoples of similiar customs and dialects. Note, this is a very large list

GET PeopleGroups/Religions

List of religions and their principle divisions

GET PeopleGroups/ROPPeopleGroupDetail?id={id}

Gets ROP People Group detail by ROP3


Prayer content

GET Prayer/Detail/Subfolder?id={id}

Sub-folder details

GET Prayer/Master/Locations

Distinct list of locations for currently published prayer requests

GET Prayer/Master/RequestTypeOptions?type={type}

Distinct list of option values of a given request type of currently published prayer requests

GET Prayer/Master/RequestTypes

Distinct list of types of currently published prayer requests

GET Prayer/OData/Requests

OData-enabled queryable collection of prayer requests. Only items published 90 days before the current date are available.

GET Prayer/Requests?st={st}&end={end}&ag={ag}&type={type}&option={option}&filter={filter}&max={max}&id={id}

Only items published 90 days before the current date are available.

GET Prayer/Today

Gets Most Current Scripture, World Leader and Prayer requests updated each week day

GET Prayer/Today/Rss

Gets Most Current Scripture, World Leader and Prayer requests updated each week day as an RSS feed

GET Prayer/TodayLess/Rss

Gets Most Current Prayer requests updated each week day as an RSS feed, (less Scripture and World Leader)

GET Prayer/WorldLeader

Prayer request for world leader